Author Archives: sspirate


A teacher of mine told a story about how she assaulted an ex of hers after finding out that he had gotten together with an ex of a friend of hers (she dumped him, for the record).

She broke down the door to his apartment, broke his nose, knocked him back into some metal boxes where his ear was sliced open, threw a porcelain statue at her ex’s new girlfriend, and set his sheets on fire.

Most of my class cheered, the biggest positive reaction coming from one of the two hardcore feminists in the class.

My teacher later mentioned that when the cops arrived and asked her ex if she had assaulted him, he denied it. My feminist classmate’s reaction? “It’s the least he could do.”

The “least he could do” was try and let her get away with breaking and entering, assault and battery, destruction of private property, and arson?

There’s no doubt that a guy sharing a similar story about attacking his ex and her new boyfriend would be crucified on the spot.

It makes me sad to know that many people don’t even bat an eyelash at blatantly obvious double standards like this.

holy hell



Feminists focus primarily on women’s issues. That is okay. Feminism is a woman’s movement. They may recognize male issues and try to help, but their primary focus is women.

MRAs focus primarily on men’s issues. That is okay. It is a men’s movement. They may recognize female issues and try to help, but their primary focus is men.

National socialists focus primarily on the German people. That is okay. National socialism is a German’s movement. They don’t recognize other peoples’ issue or try to help because their focus is the German people.







misogynoir: the hatred of Black women

as coined and defined by the Crunk Feminist Collective 02/20/2012 in this article


Why. Why do you guys need your own special word? What makes you so above using a word that is completely racial neutral and refers to all women? Yes new words are ‘created’ everyday but if we are going to make a word that mean ‘hatred of *insert race* women’ I think you better get started making it for other races. You guys are hilarious.

 Misogynoir. The Hatred of black women. 

is this serious i cant even tell anymore

Instigating Little Shit: word of the day




> Application into the bin

le in the camp it goes face

I was hoping for a flaming nazi chainsaw of justice